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           Biofield Tuning - Remote and group sessions


I am one of the first Biofield Tuning practitioners in Europe who trained directly with researcher and practitioner Eileen McKusick in 2017.

The space around our bodies is not an empty vacuum. Difficult memories, experiences, illness, emotions and pain leave disruptive energy in this space. I use tuning forks to detect the disruptions and re-tune them back to a healthy state. The stuck and almost frozen energy is released enabling the return of better health and wellbeing.

The method was developed by researcher and practitioner Eileen McCusick and is based on her 20 years of clinical inquiry into the Biofield Anatomy. 

Biofield Tuning sessions can be experienced in person or at a distance.


Conditions that may be improved by Biofield Tuning

  • Physical pain

  • Mental and emotional issues

  • Sleep issues

  • Low energy

  • ME, Fibromyalgia

  • OCD, addiction

  • Depression

  • Anxiety, worry, stress

  • PTSD

  • Digestive disorders

  • Menstrual issues

  • Fears/phobias

  • Migraines

  • Inflammation

          And much more .......

"I had a session with Emma this week and I have to say it the most incredible experience, it was truly like nothing else I have ever had. I would say it has truly changed the way I think , she has an incredible talent and everyone should try her biofield tuning therapy as it will blow your mind. Huge thanks Emma ".  Mrs Martin, Glasgow

"I 110%! recommend booking a healing session with Emma and experiencing her passion of biofield tuning✨....led from the heart, emma's intuitive way with the tuning forks and sound combined with a great knowledge of the energy systems within and surrounding the human body...has without doubt tapped into areas of stagnation within my body, and left me feeling lighter on every occasion.....healing on the physical and mental level. "

Ms Read, Kettering

Remote sessions

I just wanted to let you know what has been going on since our last session. I've been feeling much more peaceful and at ease. My feelings of struggle especially in the morning didn't show up and I even had many moments of inner contentment or happiness.So great work thank you so much! 

 had a major upgrade/download following one of Emma's group sessions. I'm feeling in sync with our Mother Earth and I'm able to show up for her and the human tribe now. all the separation fear I had before is totally gone. It feels as my biofield has extended massively so I'm able to connect on a different level. Thank you so much for the tuning session and providing the safe space for our healing. Mr Tamasi Germany



How it appears to work

According to the physics principles of resonance and entrainment the sound produced by the tuning forks will resonate with whatever distortion or dysfunction is present in the body and its field, and then, through the production of a stronger, more coherent frequency, they entrain the body into a more coherent expression as well.

Most of us have experienced feeling a "bad vibe" when with someone and as everything in the body is in motion, and everything in motion produces pressure waves into the surrounding environment, it makes sense that there is actually an acoustic field of inaudible sound around each individual. 

Tuning forks produce overtones and undertones which interface, like sonar with the acoustic waves that are coming off the body. The tuning fork almost acts as a decoder and allows the therapist to locate areas of noise in the signal. These pockets of "noise " could be described as being like nodes or eddies  sitting in the standing waves within the biofield. It appears that these areas of distortion may relate to experiences of physical, mental or emotional stress from any point in our lifetimes.

These dissonant sound waves may relate to a dysfunctional system and can be located in the field, then through application of sound for a period of time in this space – which may be as far as five or more feet away from the body –the body may have the ability to self-regulate out of the noise and into a more harmonious expression. Through working with clients on a regular basis I have witnessed that using this targeted sonic-induced relaxation there can be profound outcomes with a reduction in anxiety, discomfort, and other distresses right on the table and further improvements and other benefits unfolding in the days following a session. Depending on thie individual results can be both short term as well as long term and even permanent. Multiple sessions give a cumulative effect and a minimum of three sessions is generally recommended but not required.

Why Sound


Sound as a form of healing has been used by every culture on every continent for many thousands of years, it is the original healing method. The Tibetans and Nepalese cultures use bells, gongs, voice and singing bowls, Australian Aborigines the didgeridoo,  the Native Americans use rattles and drums and all these types of sound healing bring people from distressed states to relaxed, aware presence.

We do not just perceive sound through our ears, but we experience and sense it through our entire bodies and all the water in us conduct sound waves. Our cell membranes have little anntanas that vibrate like tuning forks in response to the vibrational information in our environments.

Sound is used in the medical profession where they use ultrasound for scans, healing bones, tendons and ligaments as well as to break up kidney stones. We have all experienced how music affects our moods, contrasting with loud noisy environments to the gentle birdsong in a woodland.The body responds to sound.





Please note that these claims are based solely on anecdotal evidence—Eileen McCusick's observations and those of her clients over 20 years of clinical practice. Please also note that Biofield Tuning is not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is Biofield Tuning a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services.  I perform an assessment and balancing of the body’s energy matrix, supporting the body in healing itself.  Please refer to my Disclaimer for further disclosures.

How do remote sessions work?

It is like how radiowaves and mobile phone waves work. We cannot see them but know they transmit and receive frequency. We all are electrical bodies and thought/intention has a frequency and it is with that channel/frequency of thought that you connect in. We both act as antenna and receptor. Sessions can be done via zoom/skype/whatsapp or telephone.

Group remote sessions

All you have to do is sit or lie down in a place where you will not be disturbed. At the start time if you are not online choose to think about me conducting the session with an intention of wellbeing for your highest good for you and all in the group. Just be the observer, relax and allow whatever feeling, thought or sensations to pass through. Try not to judge but just to be open with innocence. These sessions are £14pp.

You can attend via Zoom/ in silence/ recording.

You can attend a session at the time via zoom though that is not necessary as you will benefit equally well if you just sit down quietly at the time. Also if you cannot attend at the time I can send you a recording so you can listen at a more convenient time.

I have remote clients from all around the World and sessions are equally as powerful. With one to one we talk on the phone or via skype/zoom.

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Intially three sessions are recommended for best results

One to one remote sessions  - anywhere in the World

In person - on request and dependent on location - £85 daytime

£65 per remote session

(evenings and weekend £75)

Group sessions can be arranged on request


Cautions and Guidance

Active Cancer*

   Once cancer has advanced in the body, detox pathways are often compromised, and the body may have difficulty digesting newly introduced energetic input.

The body may not have the resources to effectively manage detox symptoms that may result from Biofield Tuning.

We have observed tumors may be irritated by tuning and as such, we suggest not applying forks directly on them

*These statements refer to cancer that is active and/or in treatment; not to cancer that is in remission

End of Life/ Advanced Illness

 End of Life

Components of Biofield Tuning have been used as a means of calming the nervous system during end-of-life circumstances to ease transition.

However, full tuning adjustments are not recommended, as the body may not have the resources to effectively manage detox symptoms.

Advanced Illness

 If you are experiencing any kind of acute or advanced illness, please be aware that Biofield Tuning can create uncomfortable detox or aggravate symptoms. Treatment often requires a multi-modal approach.


Components of Biofield Tuning, such as using weighted forks on the body for limited duration, have been used to promote relaxation during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the body expends a tremendous amount of energy; Biofield Tuning adjustments may overwhelm this already overextended system.

The body may not have the resources to effectively manage detox systems which may affect both mother and baby.

Electrical Medical Implants and Devices *

 No reports of ill effects have been associated with insulin pumps, glucose sensors, newer pacemakers. 

Please proceed with caution, careful observation, and the advice of your medical professional.

 Tuning forks MAY interfere with the electrical functioning of these devices due to the added vibrational input.

* Pacemaker, Insulin pumps, glucose monitors, neural implants

This website and the information herein is not intended as a diagnosis or claim to cure, and further more is in no way a substitution for seeking the correct medical advice from a doctor. If you are on medication or pregnant you should discuss any of your medical concerns with your doctor, failure of which and illnesses arising from the aforementioned will not be the responsibility of the author.


All information on this website is the copyright of Emma Hall, or of any of the individuals mentioned on this website. Unless prior permission has been given from the author, no part of this website will be copied, quoted or used in any way.

2018 Copyright